Specialism Individualised Studies
Module Description
In this Unit, students will identify an area of interest for their focus of study and, with the support of an assigned tutor, discuss and identify gaps in own knowledge and present a Specialism Individualised Studies Plan to address it.
Tutor coaching, guidance and supervision related to the area of specialisation will be continuous throughout the process.
Students will be expected to carry out an extensive literature review, sufficient to undertake their assignment by which to demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of the selected subject and the area of study they choose to focus on.
In addition, students will be expected to:
- Publish a paper/article related to the area of study and/or
- Present in a seminar and/or
- Attend units/courses related to the identified area.
Module / Unit Instruction
Since each student will be choosing specific areas to focus on and tasks to do with the support of an assigned tutor, a Specialism Individualised Studies Plan (SISP), including a detailed description of tasks to do, literature to engage with and a clear timeframe, will be submitted to the Director of Studies for approval and endorsement.
Once this is done the student will embark on independent study with regular meetings with the tutor.
Target Audience
Academically qualified practitioners in business or other related fields who seek innovation through applied research and wish/need to be formally educated to achieve their objective.
How you’ll be assessed
This unit will be assessed as follows: · Assignment 70% · Paper/article publications; and/or present I a seminar; and/or attend units/courses related to the identified area 30%
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:
- Identify and address gaps in own knowledge, committing to autonomous scholarly research leading to the development of new knowledge.
- Disseminate own research effectively through publication and/or seminar.
At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to:
- Extensive Knowledge content/Literature/practices pertaining to the chosen area of specialism
Since each student will be choosing specific areas to focus on and tasks to do with the support of an assigned tutor, a Specialism Individualised Studies Plan (SISP), including a detailed description of tasks to do, literature to engage with and a clear timeframe, will be submitted to the Director of Studies for approval and endorsement.
At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:
- Direct and manage own doctoral studies.
- Research scholarly information effectively.
- Critically analyse information and build own knowledge based on evidence.
- Synthesise and communicate information effectively according to context and audience.
Module-Specific Learner Skills:
At the end of the module/unit the learner will be able to:
- Argue fluently about the specialism area identified.
- Share the newly acquired knowledge through publication and/or presenting in seminar/s.
Module-Specific Digital Skills and Competences:
At the end of the module/unit, the learner will be able to:
- Use research engines effectively to access scholarly information