Award in Assessment Design and Verification Practices in Further and Higher Education Programmes in VET

MQF Level 6

Award in Assessment

Design and Verification Practices in Further and Higher Education Programmes in VET

TBC 2024
Part-Time: 15 Weeks
Full-Time: 9 Weeks
ECTS Credits
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Course Description

In a good quality programme of studies, assessment should be considered as an integral part of the learning, hence the assessment for learning approach is at the centre of this training programme. Subject experts who take this training programme, who may be prospective or already practicing lecturers and faculty, will be trained to become well versed and qualified in assessment approaches, assessment design, assessment procedures and verification processes in Vocational Education and Training (VET), practice placement assessment, and logbook/portfolio design and assessment.

The training programme is an Award in Assessment Design and Verification Practices in Further and Higher Education Programmes in VET at MQF Level 6.

This training programme combines theory, practice, and research, with a practical component involving experiential learning.

In the Assessment Design and Feedback for Learning in VET module, participants will:

  • Understand assessment and feedback design and practice.
  • Design student-centric assessments aligned with standards.
  • Create assignment briefs, observation schedules, logbook/portfolio templates, and contextualized rubrics.
  • Practice marking assignments, providing constructive feedback, and grading placement experiences.

Participants will be supervised by qualified experts during formative assessment tasks.

In the Quality and Verification Practices in Vocational Education module, participants will:

  • Learn about quality assurance and verification practices in vocational education.
  • Practice verifying assessment designs, assignment briefs, observation schedules, logbooks/portfolios, and rubrics.
  • Review and improve assessment decisions by examining samples of students’ work and other lecturers’ feedback, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and suggesting alternative solutions.

The programme includes:

  • 75 hours of guided learning (face-to-face or blended)
  • 10 hours of supervised practice, 210 hours of self-study,
  • and 80 hours of assessment.

It combines theory, practice, and research, including experiential learning. Participants will gain skills in designing student-centric assessments, assignment briefs, observation schedules, and rubrics, marking assignments, providing feedback, and grading placement experiences.

Additionally, they will learn quality assurance and verification practices, reviewing and improving assessment decisions. Participants will be supervised by qualified experts during practical tasks.

Entry Requirements

  • Full Qualification at MQF Level 6 or equivalent

Target Audience

This programme has the following target groups:

  • Prospective or already practicing lecturers and faculty.

Career Paths

This programme aims to equip the target audience with the knowledge, skills and competences listed in this application.

The possible posts that this course prepares for are:

  • Further and Higher Education Assessors in VET.
  • Trainers on Assessment and Verification Training Programmes for Further and Higher Education (FE/HE) in VET.
  • Internal/External Verifiers in FE/HE in VET.


You are required to complete all 2 compulsory modules (15 ECTS) to fulfil the requirements of this award degree.

🏁 Amazing! You’ve just achieved your Award in Assessment.

MQF Level 6

Award in Assessment Design and Verification Practices in Further and Higher Education Programmes in VET

How you’ll be assessed

Overall assessment weighting for each module consists of: Each module consists of two assessment tasks, each carrying a weighting as below:

a) Assessment 1 carries 20% of total module mark achieved.

b) Assessment 2 carries 80% of total module mark achieved.

For successful completion of a study module the student is required to achieve a minimum of 50% pass mark in both Assessment 1 and Assessment 2.


The overall grade achieved for each module is calculated as the sum of:

  • 20% of the mark achieved for Assessment 1
  • 80% of the mark achieved for Assessment 2.

a) Assessment 1 may include different forms of assessment which allow and promote students’ critical engagement (e.g., online discussions, in-class discussions, case studies, practical placement etc.).

b) Assessment 2 is done via one assignment at the end of each module.

The mode of assessment varies and may include in-class practical assignments, and home-based assignments using diverse assessment tools which may include case studies, resource planning and development, experiential practice, and presentations, as applicable to the diverse modules.

Both Assessment 1 and Assessment 2 tasks aim to provide the learner with the opportunity to learn and grow in the process of producing evidence of his/her competences aligned to the learning outcomes of each individual Module.


Course Intake Dates

TBC 2024

Learning Outcomes

For Knowledge:

The learner will be able to:

Assessment Design and Feedback for Learning in VET:

  • Develop an understanding of assessment theory and purpose in F/HE in VET.
  • Plan assessment as part of the learning process to assess student learning and own teaching in the vocational context.
  • Design fit-for-purpose assessments in terms of mode, level, standards, and outcomes.
  • Design adequate grading rubrics and use them effectively to ensure fair, reliable and consistent marking.
  • Provide constructive feedback to ensure that students’ learning is enhanced by their assessment experiences.
  • Examine the portfolios of evidence of the students.
  • Observe, guide, and assess the performance of the students during practice placements.
  • Be proficient in assessing vocational skills, knowledge, competences, and attitudes of the students.

Quality Assurance and Verification Practices in Vocational Education:

  • Understand the Quality Assurance aspects in VET and processes of verification from pre-issue to post issue of assignment brief and sampling stage.
  • Conduct verification of assignment brief effectively taking into consideration key aspects including level, occupational standards, outcomes, standards, loading, mode of assessment, accessibility, and clarity.
  • Conduct verification of assignment sample effectively taking into consideration expected output, standards, structure, plagiarism, lecturer’s marking, and feedback.

For Learning Skills:

The learner will be able to:

  • Clearly identify what a student needs to show to prove that the outcome is achieved.
  • Choose instructional language carefully to ensure appropriateness to task.
  • Define workload in terms of hours ensuring that it is reflective of the number of ECTS carried by the module.
  • Plan assessment design that generates the valid and reliable evidence of learning required in VET.
  • Construct a clear and effective assignment brief that is:  aligned with the learning outcomes;  relevant to the field of study;  allows for learning as part of the process of doing it;  provides an opportunity for critical thinking; is engaging.
  • Use approved assignment brief and Rubric effectively to conduct the marking and scoring of an assignment.
  • Observe and grade students’ knowledge, skills, competences, and attitudes in practices.
  • Mark and score the students’ portfolios/logbooks.
  • Provide feedback to students that is constructive, clearly indicating strengths, areas needing improvement and suggestions as to how they can be improved.
  • Check that the assessment tasks are fit for purpose and aligned to the established assessment criteria, and module specifications.
  • Review the work of the student against the assessment rubric and judge whether it has been assessed accurately.
  • Review the feedback from the lecturer is accurate and supportive and linked to the assessment rubric.
  • Point out to the lecturer and inaccuracies that need to be corrected prior to the results are being made available to the students.
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See what students have to say about our courses

Claudio Cauchi

After many years – probably too many – I accepted the fact that I had to improve academically in order to get better career opportunities, as experience alone was not enough.

I knew that juggling family, work and study commitments would be a challenge and therefore finding the right institution that could understand these realities was crucial for me to ensure that I would succeed.

IDEA Academy has indeed ticked all the right boxes. The lecturers were all very knowledgeable and, more importantly, they provided everyday life examples that we could relate to. I also appreciated the Academy’s administration. They were extremely supportive and were always willing to listen to our suggestions and address any queries in an efficient and timely manner.

Claudio Cauchi

Higher Diploma in Business Management

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