Undergraduate Certificate in Early Childhood Education

MQF Level 5

Undergraduate Certificate

Early Childhood Education

October 2024
Price  (Local/EU)
ECTS Credits
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Course Description

In recent years, Early Childhood Education (ECE) in Malta has gained prominence, recognized for laying crucial foundations and promoting lifelong learning.

Practitioners in ECE must possess the right competences, knowledge, skills, and attitudes to excel in this field. Beyond technical skills, they need to understand ECE from historical, philosophical, and sociological perspectives, considering local limitations and opportunities.

The Undergraduate Certificate course provides a comprehensive understanding of fostering quality education within Malta’s ECE settings, particularly Kindergartens.

It prepares practitioners to competently work with young children through to Kindergarten completion. This course is ideal for new entrants and experienced practitioners seeking to enhance their practice with accredited training.


Entry Requirements

Candidates who apply for this course will possess:

  • A full qualification at MQF level 4 in Early Childhood Education and SEC/Ordinary Level passes in Mathematics, English and Maltese.


  • 2 Advanced Level passes and 2 Intermediate Level passes including 2 subjects from Mathematics, English, Maltese.
    A pass at SEC/Ordinary Level in the subject that is not presented at advanced/intermediate level from the 3 specified above.
  • In the case of students who do not possess all the formal required academic qualifications, then the RPL process could be applied such that if evidence of equivalent learning, related to the area of study of this programme, is found then the applicant could still be accepted in the course. Such RPL process will subject applicants to an interview held with a board of experts within the field, chosen specifically by IDEA Academy, so as to verify their experiences and prior learning.

IDEA Academy’s RPL policy can be accessed through this link

Target Audience

This programme has the following target groups:

  • Individuals who are approaching the field of Early Childhood Education.
  • Individuals who have been working in the field as a means of capacity building.
  • Individuals looking to advance to Kindergarten Educator III role.

Career Paths

This programme aims to equip the target audience with the knowledge, skills and competences listed in this application.

The possible posts that this course prepares as a foundation for to become a Kindergarten Educator III.

How you’ll be assessed

The course comprises:

  • Evening classes for part-time courses.
  • Classes held throughout the day for full-time courses.
  • Guided learning, presentations, comprising synchronous online discussions, tutorials and/or videos.
  • Self-study hours comprising research, reading and assignment work.


Assessment is carried out via two mandatory components:

  • Modular Assessment
  • Summative Assessment

The programme includes different forms of assessment which allow for and promote students’ critical engagement. The formative and summative assessment tasks may include an in-class assignment and/or a home-based written assignment using diverse assessment tools which may take the form of online and in-class discussions, examinations, case studies, reports, proposals, essays, and presentations, etc., as applicable to the diverse modules. 


Course Intake Dates

October 2024

Learning Outcomes

For Knowledge:

The learner will be able to:

  • Gain an overall perspective of Early Childhood Education (ECE) on an international, European, and local level (Module 1)
  • Review the foundations and roots of ECE through a historical, philosophical, and sociological perspective (Module 2)
  • Discuss and consolidate knowledge with regards to the various areas of development (physical, cognitive, emotional, linguistic, social) of young children (Module 3)
  • Identify appropriate research tools to strengthen own academic writing (Module 4)
  • Show awareness of the most relevant contemporary issues within the ECE field (Module 5)

For Skills:

The learner will be able to:

  • Apply the canonical theories of ECE (Module 1)
  • Research historic, sociological, and philosophical approaches to ECE (Module 2)
  • Promote healthy and holistic child development in ECE (Module 3)
  • Display good use of academic writing, using an appropriate scholarly approach (Module 4)
  • Make use of various resources (such as academic literature) to discuss contemporary issues in ECE (Module 5)
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See what students have to say about our courses

Claudio Cauchi

After many years – probably too many – I accepted the fact that I had to improve academically in order to get better career opportunities, as experience alone was not enough.

I knew that juggling family, work and study commitments would be a challenge and therefore finding the right institution that could understand these realities was crucial for me to ensure that I would succeed.

IDEA Academy has indeed ticked all the right boxes. The lecturers were all very knowledgeable and, more importantly, they provided everyday life examples that we could relate to. I also appreciated the Academy’s administration. They were extremely supportive and were always willing to listen to our suggestions and address any queries in an efficient and timely manner.

Claudio Cauchi

Higher Diploma in Business Management

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