Human Resources Development and Management

MQF Level 5

6 Credits (ECTS)

Human Resources Development and Management

Module Type
ECTS Credits
6 Credits (ECTS)
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Module Description

n this module the learners will appreciate how the disciplines of HRM and HRD have developed over the years as well as understand the basic foundations of HRM and HRD in today’s management world.

Learners will comprehend the relation between sound HR strategies and practices as well as come to terms with the factors influencing viability and survival of any business enterprise.

Thus they will familiarise oneself with the HR cycle from resourcing to performing to appreciate the value of training and development as one of the main tools for employee growth in terms of succession and career planning.

Learners will understand and practice some of the main HR tools required in today’s management world. Learners will also understand how to influence employee engagement and commitment towards work and thus increase in efficiency and effectiveness of operations.

In addition learners will understand and apply job design theory to practice, familiarise oneself with the role of job design and understand the steps in solving a job design issue.

Entry Requirements

Candidates who apply for this course must possess: 

  • a qualification at MQF Level 4 (one ‘A’ Level or equivalent in any subject)  


  • a pass in English* and Mathematics at MQF Level 3 (‘O’ Level or equivalent)  

Preference is given to applicants having a year of work experience related to the field of study. 

*Students whose first language is not English will be required to demonstrate evidence of an adequate level of English proficiency.  

Target Audience

This course is targeted at people who wish to have a thorough background in management in order to progress further in their careers, such as: 

  • Supervisors 
  • Coordinators  
  • Assistant Managers  
  • Junior Managers 
  • Middle Managers  
  • Project Coordinators/ Project Managers  

The target group can also be extended to groups that have significant management experience but lack a formal qualification, such as managing directors and officers. 

Module / Unit Instructions

The proposed structure comprises a blended approach promoting the building of a community of practice via peer-to-peer learning. The structure uses primarily two dimensions of teaching-learning modes:

  • Face to Face sessions

Face-to-face sessions include lectures, tutorials, discussions, presentations and workshop activities promoting peer-to-peer learning.

  • Online Learning Activities

Online learning activities incorporate tutorials and asynchronous discussions. These may consist of active interaction, participation and contributions in fora discussions, sharing resources and self-reflection exercises. Learners also contribute to the building of the community of practice by providing feedback to their peers as critical friends, enhancing the learner’s critical engagement throughout the study period.

How you’ll be assessed

The course comprises:

  • Evening classes for part-time courses.
  • Classes held throughout the day for full-time courses.
  • Guided learning, presentations, comprising synchronous online discussions, tutorials and/or videos.
  • Self-study hours comprising research, reading and assignment work.


Assessment is carried out via two mandatory components:

  • Modular Assessment
  • Summative Assessment

The programme includes different forms of assessment which allow for and promote students’ critical engagement. The formative and summative assessment tasks may include an in-class assignment and/or a home-based written assignment using diverse assessment tools which may take the form of online and in-class discussions, examinations, case studies, reports, proposals, essays, and presentations, etc., as applicable to the diverse modules. 


Additional Info

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be eligible for a 70% refund of the cost through the ‘Get Qualified’ scheme.** 

Due to the modular structure of the course, you may also opt to take individual modules as stand-alone. The entry requirements still apply.***  

*Prices are applicable to students who reside in Malta at the time of applying. 

Learning Outcomes


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  • Align employee commitment in different structures.
  • Identify and implement training programmes to update employees skills.
  • Evaluate the practical philosophies behind a PMP d) Identify and develop sources of motivation for own workforce.
  • Carry out technical and practical assessments of training.
  • Carry out the development and implementation of a manpower plan from 3 to 5 years Promote ethics and good morality in own organisation.


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

  • Good HRM practices within different organisational settings and contexts.
  • The functions of strategic HRM and the role of CSR in relation to HRM.
  • Legislation and regulations that apply to industrial and employment relations and describe necessary support available to interpret the law, identify official repository of relevant legal notices and identify the official department concerning employment laws.
  • Building proper manpower planning and competency framework.
  • Developing employee work relations.
  • Creating a relational aspect between the employee and the job and within the employees.
  • Recruitment and selection principles.
  • The training cycle and methods of knowledge transfer.
  • The learning organisation.
  • Creating good performance management programmes and objective methods of assessment.
  • The function of job appraisals.
  • The importance of team work in reaching organisational goals including Key Performance Indicators, and identify the importance of Key Performance Indicators to measure performance.
  • The psychological contract and its implications.
  • The fundamentals of job design Computerising the HR system


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Apply good HRM practices within different organisational settings and contexts.
  •  Create a relational aspect between the employee and the job and within the employees.
  • Create practice recruitment and selection principles when conducting interview.
  • Set performance objectives and key performance indicators.
  • Prepare the HR processes acquired for computerisation such as data transfer techniques.
  • Conduct a job analysis exercise.
  • Demonstrate that motivation and employee commitment leads to higher performance.

Judgment Skills and Critical Abilities:

The learner will be able to:

  • Assess legislation and regulations that apply to industrial and employment relations.
  • Evaluate official repository of relevant legal notices.
  • Propose strategic interventions for good career progression.
  • Determine the best way to build a learning organisation.
  • Identify performance objectives so as to acquire the expertise needed for the setting up of rational performance objectives and to differentiate between job and personal performance objectives.
  • Judge the pros and cons of different appraisal methods so as to be able to co-align appraisal results with training and development.
  • Analyse intrinsic and extrinsic rewards and their short and long term effects.
  • Identify legislation and regulations that apply to industrial and employment relations and describe necessary support available to interpret the law, identify official repository of relevant legal notices and identify the official department concerning employment laws.
  • Identify the value of creating good performance management programmes and objective methods of assessment.
  • Identify the importance of Key Performance Indicators to measure performance.

Module-Specific Communication Skills:

The learner will be able to:

  • Illustrate how to lead and manage people in different corporate cultural settings.
  • Illustrate objectives for the setting up of employees’ appraisals and the right environment for effective appraisals.
  • Describe the importance of building proper manpower planning and competency framework.
  • Describe the importance of the training cycle and the various methods of knowledge transfer.
  • Define a learning organisation and the way it is structured.
  • Describe the function of job appraisals.
  • Describe the importance of team work to reach organisational goals including Key Performance Indicators h) Define the importance of the psychological contract.
  • Describe the functions of a computerised HR system, strategic HRM and the role of CSR in relation to HRM

Module-Specific Learner Skills:

The learner will be able to:

  • Undertake further studies on the legislation and regulations that apply to industrial and employment relations and the necessary support available to interpret the law and remain up to date with any changes.
  • Proceed by understanding the importance of building proper manpower planning and competency framework.
  • Evaluate own learning on the importance of the training cycle necessary for building a knowledge-based organisation.
  • Undertake further studies by conducting independent study in the implication of motivation on employee commitment in terms of performance.
  • Proceed to study different organisational audit methodologies.
  • Evaluate own learning on different training evaluation techniques.

Module-Specific Digital Skills and Competences:

The learner will be able to:

  • Navigate through the online learning platform to benefit from assignments, discussion boards, literature, tutorials etc.
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