Foundation of Management and Basic Management Skills

MQF Level 4

6 Credits (ECTS)

Foundation of Management and Basic Management Skills

October 2024
Module Type
ECTS Credits
6 Credits (ECTS)
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€210 refund on this module

Module Description

This introductory module explains the meaning and value of management as science and art.

It provides the students with an understanding of what the job of a manager involves.

In addition to covering the basic theoretical concepts, the course also allows the students to have some hands-on practice as an effective manager.

Entry Requirements

Candidates who apply for this course must possess 

  • a pass in English Language and Mathematics at MQF Level 3 (‘O’ Level or equivalent).
  • Students whose first language is not English will be required to demonstrate evidence of an adequate level of English proficiency.  


Target Audience

This course is targeted at:  

  • Candidates wanting to improve their employability opportunities.
  • Candidates wanting to progress to higher qualifications in the areas of management. 

Career Paths

This programme aims to help you develop essential work skills and behaviours that are needed for you to secure and sustain meaningful employment, as well as to help you progress towards managerial positions.

How you’ll be assessed

The course comprises:

  • Evening classes for part-time courses.
  • Classes held throughout the day for full-time courses.
  • Guided learning, presentations, comprising synchronous online discussions, tutorials and/or videos.
  • Self-study hours comprising research, reading and assignment work.


Assessment is carried out via two mandatory components:

  • Modular Assessment
  • Project Assessment

The programme includes different forms of assessment which allow for and promote students’ critical engagement. The formative and summative assessment tasks may include an in-class assignment and/or a home-based written assignment using diverse assessment tools which may take the form of online and in-class discussions, examinations, case studies, reports, proposals, essays, and presentations, etc., as applicable to the diverse modules. 


Module Intake Dates

October 2024

Additional Info

Reading for the entire Foundation Certificate in Management as presented in this brochure costs €1,500.*

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be eligible for a 70% refund of the cost through the ‘Get Qualified’ scheme.**

Due to the modular structure of the course, you may also opt to take individual modules as stand-alone. The entry requirements still apply.***

*Prices are applicable to students who reside in Malta at the time of applying.

**Terms and conditions apply.

*** For the price of individual modules, please contact the IDEA Academy team.

Learning Outcomes


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  • Apply the basic concepts of management.
  • Identify the key competencies needed to be an effective manager.
  • Apply theoretical knowledge in simulated and real-life.


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:

  • Introduction to Management.
  • Mission and Values.
  • Management Functions.
  • Management Roles.
  • Managerial Skills.
  • Concepts of Strategic Management.


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Discuss different management theories.
  • Apply and Assess the functions of Management.
  • Apply Managerial Skills.
  • Differentiate between mission, vision and organisational values.

Module-Specific Digital Skills and Competences:

The learner will be able to:

  • Navigate through the online learning platform to benefit from assignments, discussion boards, literature, tutorials etc.
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