Introduction to Financial Technologies

MQF Level 5


Introduction to Financial Technologies

October 2024
Module Type
ECTS Credits
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Module Description

This module introduces learners to the various financial technologies such as smart contracts, blockchain, cryptocurrencies (e.g., Bitcoin and Ethereum), decentralized ledgers, alternative finance (e.g., crowdfunding, ICOs, P2P and Marketplace Lending), digitization of financial services, data-driven finance, regulation technologies (RegTech), Robo-Advisory,

FinTech evaluation 4.0, Bank 4.0, open banking, VR/AR payments, and financial analytics.

It explores the functions of digital finance and its critical role in shaping the financial services industry and future.

The module will target the theory and core elements by which financial technologies and innovative financial products function, and their interaction with different systems, namely, banking, financial, and legal.

The module will also focus on the impact of FinTech 4.0 and Bank 4.0 on world financial markets, organizations, economies, our day-to-day life and the future of these financial technologies.

Entry Requirements

Candidates who apply for this course will possess:

• A related qualification at MQF Level 4


• Two ‘A’ Levels (MQF Level 4) or equivalent one of which should be related to Accounts, Business or Economics and a pass in English Language and Mathematics at MQF Level 3 (‘O’ Level or equivalent).

• Preference will be given to applicants having 1 year work experience related to the study programme.

In the case of students who do not possess all the formal required academic qualifications, then the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process could be applied such that if evidence of equivalent learning is found then the applicant could still be accepted in the course.

Such RPL process will subject applicants to an interview held with a board of experts within the field, chosen specifically by IDEA Academy, so as to verify their experiences and prior learning.

Students whose first language is not English and do not possess an ‘O’ level pass in English Language will be required to demonstrate English language capability at IELTS level 6.0 or equivalent.



Target Audience

  • Individuals seeking to advance their academic and professional knowledge in Accounting.
  • Individuals wanting to pursue a wide range of accounting, consulting, financial and managerial career paths.
  • Individuals wanting to enhance their ability to interpret, assess and communicate financial related data.

Module / Unit Instructions

The proposed structure comprises a blended approach promoting the building of a community of practice via peer-to-peer learning. The structure uses primarily two dimensions of teaching-learning modes:

  • Face to Face sessions

Face-to-face sessions include lectures, tutorials, discussions, presentations and workshop activities promoting peer-to-peer learning.

  • Online Learning Activities

Online learning activities incorporate tutorials and asynchronous discussions. These may consist of active interaction, participation and contributions in fora discussions, sharing resources and self-reflection exercises. Learners also contribute to the building of the community of practice by providing feedback to their peers as critical friends, enhancing the learner’s critical engagement throughout the study period.

How you’ll be assessed

The course comprises:

  • Evening classes for part-time courses.
  • Classes held throughout the day for full-time courses.
  • Guided learning, presentations, comprising synchronous online discussions, tutorials and/or videos.
  • Self-study hours comprising research, reading and assignment work.


Assessment is carried out via two mandatory components:

  • Assessment 1
  • Assessment 2

The programme includes different forms of assessment which allow for and promote students’ critical engagement. The assessment tasks may include an in-class assignment and/or a home-based written assignment using diverse assessment tools which may take the form of online and in-class discussions, examinations, case studies, reports, proposals, essays, and presentations, etc., as applicable to the diverse modules. 


Module Intake Dates

October 2024

Learning Outcomes


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  • Describe the necessary characteristics of different financial technologies, cryptocurrencies and their functionality.
  • Evaluate and be able to draft the plan of the digital finance processes and procedures.
  • Analyse the regulation and development principles of digital payments and currencies.
  • Utilise various financial technology applications.
  • Reflect on the theories related to innovation frameworks and development processes.


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following indicative content:

  • Introduction to FinTech.
  • The Smart contracts, blockchain, cryptocurrencies, distributed ledger, digital currencies and payments.
  • Alternative finance and data-driven finance.
  • Regulation technologies.
  • Impact of FinTech 4.0 and Bank 4.0.


At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills:

  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of conducting transactions from digital currency wallet.
  • Discuss the advanced uses of Smart contracts, blockchain, and distributed ledger.
  • Examine the potential frameworks to regulate financial technologies.
  • Discuss the effects of globalization and technological advancements in financial services.
  • Identify and analyse the link between financial technologies and disruptive innovations in the context of future developments.

Judgment Skills and Critical Abilities:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will be able to:

  • Reflect on and appraise the utility of the theories related to digital finance and managing different type of financial technologies.

Module-Specific Communication Skills:

At the end of the module/unit the learner will be able to:

  • Be able to describe and critically discuss Financial Technologies concepts, issues, and future prospects.
  • Communicate ideas, problems, and solutions effectively to both specialist and non-specialist audiences verbally or in writing (PowerPoint presentations, reports, etc.).
  • Participate in class/online discussions and in organised workshops.
  •   Present ideas, work, and findings to peers, lecturers, and specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  • Contribute to team work as required.

Module-Specific Learner Skills

At the end of the module/unit the learner will be able to: ·

  • Identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of digitalizing financial services and data-driven finance.
  • Assess the differences financial technologies have with the existing monetary and financial systems.

Module-Specific Digital Skills and Competences:

At the end of the module/unit, the learner will be able to:

  • Navigate through the online learning platform to find assignments, discussion boards, literature, tutorials etc.
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