
MQF Level 8 (Doctorate)


Module Type
ECTS Credits
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Module Description

The thesis is a compulsory element of the DBA. The aim of it is to produce original Doctoral research work on a clearly defined topic. The process of writing a thesis/compilation thesis will enable the student to develop deeper knowledge, understanding, capabilities and attitudes in the context of the Doctoral studies undertaken.

The Thesis can take one or two forms:

  • A monograph in the traditional way which should not exceed 60,00 words and/ or 250 pages. or
  • A Compilation Thesis

In the latter case, the format should be as follows:

  • Abstract
  • Chapter 1: Introduction – An introduction to the aims of the research, the key research questions being addressed, and how these are addressed in the papers included in the thesis.
  • Chapter 2: Literature Review – An extensive review of the key literature and how it leads into the Doctoral project. When the amount of literature reviewed in the papers within the thesis are significant, the student may choose to merge the Introduction and Literature Review chapters into a single chapter.
  • Chapters 3: At least three to four papers are expected to be included, however number will be determined by the scale of the papers, in terms of the amount and significance of the research included, and the nature of the area of study. Supervisors are to advise students in relation to this. Each paper normally comprises a separate chapter and papers may be published, in revision, or submitted. However, it is preferable that at least one of the papers is published or accepted for publication. In cases where additional discussion of the material in the papers is deemed necessary, this can be included at the end of the relevant chapter or included in the final chapter.
  • Final Chapter: Conclusions and Discussion. This should summarise and critically discuss the main findings of the research, comparing the research questions and conclusions presented in the separate pieces of work. Theoretical and practical implications of the work and how it advances the field should be considered, followed by suggestions for future work.

Module Unit / Instruction

Since this is the doctoral thesis it will not have a taught component in the form of lectures, but supervision of an assigned tutor will be provided throughout this phase of the study programme.

Supervision may take a blended form to include face-to-face meetings, online meetings, written feedback and reviews of draft chapters, discussions etc.



Target Audience

Academically qualified practitioners in business or other related fields who seek innovation through applied research and wish/need to be formally educated to achieve their objective.


How you’ll be assessed

This unit shall be assessed through either:

  1. A thesis no longer than 60,000 words/250 pages excluding bibliography, but including tables, tables of contents, footnotes, and appendices) to be submitted via Turnitin online portal. or
  2. A Compilation Thesis with a format as follows:
  • Abstract
  • Chapter 1: Introduction – An introduction to the aims of the research, the key research questions being addressed, and how these are addressed in the papers included in the thesis.
  • Chapter 2: Literature Review – An extensive review of the key literature and how it leads into the Doctoral project. When the amount of literature reviewed in the papers within the thesis are significant, the student may choose to merge the Introduction and Literature Review chapters into a single chapter.
  • Chapters 3: At least three to four papers are expected to be included, however number will be determined by the scale of the papers, in terms of the amount and significance of the research included, and the nature of the area of study. Supervisors are to advise students in relation to this. Each paper normally comprises a separate chapter and papers may be published, in revision, or submitted. However, it is preferable that at least one of the papers is published or accepted for publication. In cases where additional discussion of the material in the papers is deemed necessary, this can be included at the end of the relevant chapter or included in the final chapter. ·
  • Final Chapter: Conclusions and Discussion. This should summarise and critically discuss the main findings of the research, comparing the research questions and conclusions presented in the separate pieces of work. Theoretical and practical implications of the work and how it advances the field should be considered, followed by suggestions for future work.


The thesis must be submitted for examination upon successful completion of all compulsory units specified in this application. The pass mark for the thesis will be set at 50%.

For both formats of the thesis (monograph or compilation thesis), the final product should demonstrate:

  • High level critical understanding and applicability of theoretical constructs in real life as a result of developed new constructs.
  • Originality of fieldwork or independent research, to propose new hypothesis and/or models such as the analysis of primary published data, original laboratory research, archival research, or independent computer-based research.
  • Outstanding critical ability in the appropriate analytical and/or interpretative techniques and contain a thorough reflexive or critical commentary on its research design and methodology.
  • Coherent structure, and may show significant innovation in its organisational form.
  • Evidence of in-depth reading, demonstrating excellent critical synthesis of secondary research, and very strong convergence between its original research and wider theoretical issues.
  • Build-up of argument showing academic rigour in reflective discussion of convergence and divergence of findings from research literature.
  • Outstanding scholarly presentation of referencing and bibliography of researched peer reviewed articles.
  • Original and persuasive use of quotations.
  • Excellent scholarly writing skills.
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