The IDEA Journal of Applied Research
The IDEA Journal of Applied Research — Open Access Journal
The IDEA Journal of Applied Research (IDEA JAR) is multidisciplinary international peer-reviewed open access scientific journal (ISSN 2958-3691), issued by IDEA College (Malta) both in printed and online version, which publishes original research papers on the wide scope of knowledge fields
Aims: The objective of the IDEA JAR is to provide the advancement and dissemination of relevant research results to support high level of science and promote intersection between academia and practice for the human progress. The Journal focuses on application-oriented works in sustainability, use of emerging technologies, innovation, and social responsibility and human values, to provide research collaboration and spread scientific information that might create new knowledge, support practices and strategic decisions
Scope: The IDEA JAR embraces research in the fields of Education, Economy, Management, Finance, Digital Technologies, Health, Engineering, Information Sciences, Earth Sciences and Environment, Social and Humanitarian Sciences. The journal is dedicated to the extension of interdisciplinary research and practices across these fields and beyond
Visibility: Indexed in online publishing databases
Quality: Since the IDEA JAR is a scientific academic publication, all the papers are double reviewed and assessed by the editorial board for originality, scientific level, depth of analysis, structure, and contribution to the field of study
Originality: Articles submitted must have an originality level at least 75%
Language: Manuscripts need to be prepared in English
Article processing charges: publication is free for IDEA College students and faculty, and there is processing fee for external authors and their institutions
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