Certificate in Management
Course Description
Today’s workforce requires adaptable, flexible and willing-to-learn employees. This programme will help you develop the fundamental and transferable skills you will need in order to be an effective manager.
It will also help improve your employability, as well as unlock learning opportunities that lead to further and higher levels of education specialising in management, business and HR areas.
This programme is also designed as a progression pathway towards MQF 5 and MQF 6 qualifications.
The overall course objectives are:
Define, Explain and discuss the following topics:
- Communication Styles
- Presentation Techniques
- Content and Process Motivational Theories
- Team Dynamics and Productivity
- Time management concepts
- Problem Solving
- Decision Making
- Negotiation and Influencing skills
- Basic management concepts
- Leadership theories
- Cultural sensitivity
- The relationship between the income statement, the cash flow statement, the statement of financial position and the statement of shareholders’ equity; (Basic Financial Management)
- The limited liability company and the basic principles of company law (Principled of Company Law)
- The obligations arising under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act and the 5th AML Directive; (Anti-Money Laundering)
- Apply Problem Solving techniques
- Use Decision Making Methods
- Apply basic leadership skills i.e. delegation
- Use negotiation techniques
- Develop cultural sensitivity
- Apply Tuckman’s Stages of Group Development
- Apply motivational theories
- Use time management techniques
- Distinguish between basic financial structures of business organisations
- · Examine the different corporate structure and gain a clear understanding of the way companies are set up and administered.
- Understand the Anti-Money Laundering /Combating the Funding of Terrorism obligations and assess systems, structures, controls and procedures for the effective fulfilment of said obligations
- Facilitate effective team and meeting communication
- Adapt to other communication styles
- Manage own intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to stay effective
- Identify the main obstacles to effective team working
- Identify the critical components required for a high performance team
- Develop an action plan for better use of time
- Write SMART(er) objectives § Use and apply SWOT Technique
- Brainstorm ideas with colleagues and decide on the best one § Use and apply simple negotiation techniques
- Demonstrate commercial awareness and knowledge
- Examine various elements of financial statements and accounting cycle; (Basic Financial Management)
- Discuss the salient principles of Company Law in Malta; including the legal nature of the limited liability company as a business structure and the separate corporate personality of companies; understanding of the different types of companies and how these are incorporated and administered; knowledge of the rights and duties of company shareholders, agents, officers and organs.
- Identify the obligations arising under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act and the 5th AML European Directive; (Anti-Money Laundering)
Entry Requirements
Candidates who apply for this course must possess a pass in English Language* and Mathematics at MQF Level 3 (‘O’ Level or equivalent).
*Students whose first language is not English will be required to demonstrate evidence of an adequate level of English proficiency.
Target Audience
This course is targeted at:
- Candidates wanting to improve their employability opportunities.
- Candidates wanting to progress to higher qualifications in the areas of management.
Career Paths
This programme aims to help you develop essential work skills and behaviours that are needed for you to secure and sustain meaningful employment, as well as to help you progress towards managerial positions.
Meet the needs of employers for qualifications that cultivate a positive attitude to work and develop essential work skills and behaviours such as communication, teamwork and problem-solving, build confidence and self-esteem so that learners are empowered to apply for, secure and sustain meaningful employment.
Provide the opportunity to develop an understanding of relationships in the workplace and employer expectations.
Encourage the development of values, personal attributes and interpersonal skills that contribute to success in the workplace.
You are required to complete all 5 compulsory modules (30 ECTS) and only 5 elective modules out of the proposed 8 (30 ECTS) to fulfil the requirements of this certificate
If you stop here, you will get:
Foundation Certificate in Management
Don’t stop now! Go for that Matriculation Programme 🚀
🏁 Amazing! You’ve just achieved your Certificate.
Certificate in Management
How you’ll be assessed
The course comprises:
- Evening classes for part-time courses.
- Classes held throughout the day for full-time courses.
- Guided learning, presentations, comprising synchronous online discussions, tutorials and/or videos.
- Self-study hours comprising research, reading and assignment work.
Assessment is carried out via two mandatory components:
- Modular Assessment
- Project Assessment
The programme includes different forms of assessment which allow for and promote students’ critical engagement. The formative and summative assessment tasks may include an in-class assignment and/or a home-based written assignment using diverse assessment tools which may take the form of online and in-class discussions, examinations, case studies, reports, proposals, essays, and presentations, etc., as applicable to the diverse modules.
Course Intake Dates
TBC 2025
Additional Info
Reading for the entire Certificate in Management as presented in this brochure costs €3,000.*
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be eligible for a 70% refund of the cost through the ‘Get Qualified’ scheme.**
Due to the modular structure of the course, you may also opt to take individual modules as stand-alone. The entry requirements still apply.***
*Prices are applicable to students who reside in Malta at the time of applying.
**Terms and conditions apply.
*** For the price of individual modules, please contact the IDEA Academy team.
Learning Outcomes
For Communication / Learning Skills:
The learner will be able to:
- Facilitate effective team and meeting communication
- Adapt to other communication styles