Undergraduate Higher Diploma in Travel and Tourism

MQF Level 5

Undergraduate Higher Diploma

Travel and Tourism

TBA 2024
ECTS Credits
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Course Description

The Undergraduate Higher Diploma in Travel and Tourism provides a comprehensive introduction to the dynamic travel and tourism industry.

This course covers essential topics such as the principles of tourism, hospitality management, travel planning, and sustainable tourism practices.

With a focus on real-world applications, the program equips graduates to excel in travel agencies, tour operations, hotels, and beyond.

Whether you aspire to start your own travel business or join a global travel company, this certificate offers a solid foundation for success and growth in the industry.

Entry Requirements

Candidates who apply for this course must possess the following:

  • a qualification at MQF Level 4 (one A-level or equivalent in any subject);
  • a pass in English Language and Mathematics at MQF Level 3 (O-Level or equivalent)

Target Audience

This program caters to individuals interested in enhancing their academic and professional understanding of travel and tourism and targets:

  • Individuals seeking to advance their academic and professional knowledge in Travel and Tourism.
  • Individuals wanting to pursue a wide range of career paths in the travel and tourism industry.

Career Paths

The potential positions for which this programme aims to prepare could be and are not limited to:

  • Travel consultant
  • Operations manager
  • Event organiser/planner/manager
  • Business Development executive
  • Hotel manager
  • Travel agency manager
  • Marketing executive
  • Tour operator


You are required to complete all 11 compulsory modules (120 ECTS) to fulfil the requirements of this certificate.

If you stop here, you will get:

MQF Level 5

Undergraduate Certificate in Travel and Tourism

Don’t stop now! Go for that Diploma / Higher Diploma Programme 🚀

If you stop here, you will get:

MQF Level 5

Undergraduate Diploma in Travel and Tourism

Don’t stop now! Go for that Diploma / Higher Diploma Programme 🚀

🏁 Amazing! You’ve just achieved your Undergraduate Higher Diploma.

MQF Level 5

Undergraduate Higher Diploma in Travel and Tourism

Why stop here? Carry on your education with a Bachelor (Honours) in Travel and Tourism🚀

How you’ll be assessed

The course comprises:

  • Evening classes for part-time courses.
  • Classes held throughout the day for full-time courses.
  • Guided learning, presentations, comprising synchronous online discussions, tutorials and/or videos.
  • Self-study hours comprising research, reading and assignment work.


Assessment is carried out via two mandatory components:

  • Modular Assessment
  • Project Assessment

The programme includes different forms of assessment which allow for and promote students’ critical engagement. The formative and summative assessment tasks may include an in-class assignment and/or a home-based written assignment using diverse assessment tools which may take the form of online and in-class discussions, examinations, case studies, reports, proposals, essays, and presentations, etc., as applicable to the diverse modules. 


Course Intake Dates

TBA 2024

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes for Knowledge

The learner will be able to:

  • Gain a solid foundation with regards to the introductory concepts in tourism and the principles of hospitality management (Modules 1 and 2).
  • Navigate several applications and tools which can support and enhance the process of academic writing (Module 3).

Learning Outcomes for Skills

The learner will be able to:

  • Examine the development of tourism on the Maltese Islands and on a global scale (Module 1).
  • Evaluate the functions and responsibilities of each department within the hospitality sector, focusing especially on those of the Finance, Human Resources, and Operations department (Modules)
  • Write assignments, essays, and reports in an academic, clear, and scholarly approach and produce logical and well-reasoned arguments (Modules 3)
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See what students have to say about our courses

Miriam Mifsud

After a long break from studying, I decided to leave my comfort zone and embark upon a new adventure. But I must say that as soon as the lectures started, I felt at home, and help was forthcoming both from the students – whom I now call my friends – as well as from my lecturers. I am proud to have made the right decision for both my personal goals and for my career.

This course served as a growth plan to new projects and to whatever the future has in store for me. Life is all about growing, and this course led me to new opportunities and to continue growing and learning new skills that I can employ in both my personal life and at the workplace.

Miriam Mifsud

Higher Diploma in HR Management

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