Undergraduate Diploma in Geology

MQF Level 5

Undergraduate Diploma


October 2024
Price  (Local/EU)
Part-Time: 15 Months (Subject to change)
Full-Time: 8 months (Subject to change)
ECTS Credits
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Course Description

Our Undergraduate Diploma in Geology offers a comprehensive introduction to the Earth’s physical structure, processes, and materials.

Students will explore mineralogy, petrology, stratigraphy, and paleontology, gaining a solid foundation in geological principles. The curriculum combines classroom instruction with hands-on fieldwork and laboratory experience, fostering skills in geological mapping, sample analysis, and data interpretation.

Students will be well-prepared for entry-level positions in environmental consulting, natural resource management, and research, or for further studies in geology and related fields. Join us to uncover the dynamic forces shaping our planet and contribute to sustainable Earth science solutions.

This course was prepared in collaboration with the Malta Chamber of Geologists, to learn more about the Malta Chamber of Geologists, please visit their website at www.mgeol.org.

Entry Requirements

Candidates who apply for this course must possess:

  •  a related qualification at MQF Level 4


  • one ‘A’ Level or equivalent in a Science subject and a pass in English Language* and Mathematics at MQF Level 3 (‘O’ Level or equivalent)
  • In the case of students who do not possess all the formal required academic qualifications, then the RPL process could be applied such that if evidence of equivalent learning and/or professional experience are found then the applicant could still be accepted in the course. Such RPL process will subject applicants to an interview held with a board of experts within the field, chosen specifically by IDEA Academy, so as to verify their experiences and prior learning.

*Students whose first language is not English and do not possess an ‘O’ level pass in English Language will be required to demonstrate English language capability at IELTS level 6.0 or equivalent.

For students lacking the necessary academic qualifications, the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process may apply. If equivalent learning evidence is found, the applicant could be accepted into the course.

Target Audience

This program caters to individuals interested in enhancing their academic and professional understanding of Geology and Earth Sciences.

This program targets individuals who:

  • Would like to advance their academic and professional knowledge of Geology and Earth Sciences.
  • Would like to advance their academic and professional knowledge of rocks, namely, classification, testing, and use in industry.
  • Work in the construction and quarrying industry.
  • Are seeking to pursue a career in Geology and Earth Sciences.
  • Work in geotechnical laboratories seeking to advance their knowledge and position.

Career Paths

The potential positions for which this programme aims to prepare could be and are not limited to:

  • Professional Geologist
  • Geological technician
  • Manager of geotechnical laboratory
  • Consultancy
  • Court Expert
  • Environmental auditor and Environmental Impact Assessment expert


You are required to complete all 6 compulsory modules (60 ECTS)


Assessment is carried out via two mandatory components:

  • Modular Assessment
  • Project Assessment

The programme includes different forms of assessment which allow for and promote students’ critical engagement. The formative and summative assessment tasks may include an in-class assignment and/or a home-based written assignment using diverse assessment tools which may take the form of online and in-class discussions, examinations, fieldwork, laboratory work, case studies, reports, proposals, essays, and presentations, etc., as applicable to the diverse modules.

Assessment of Project 

  • Depth of critical understanding of the theoretical framework.
  • Application of appropriate research tools.
  • Critical approach to analysis, interpretation and evaluation of research findings.
  • Depth and level of argumentation build-up.
  • Original contribution to the generation of new knowledge/hypothesis/models.
  • Scholarly presentation meeting academic standards.

Course Intake Dates

October 2024

Learning Outcomes

For Knowledge:

The learner will be able to:

  • Gain a solid foundation with regards to the introductory concepts in geology (Module 1)
  • Outline the basic concepts and principles in Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (Module 2)
  • Identify and classify types of rocks used within the construction industry (Module 3)
  • Acquire appropriate knowledge with regards to geological mapping principles, laboratory techniques, and reporting of field observations (Module 4)
  • Explain deformation processes (Module 5)
  • Describe the processes, form, and sediments of landforms at the surface of the Earth (Module 6)
  • Review the challenges facing society today such as climate change, desertification, pollution, and water quality (Module 6)
  • Examine and discuss the techniques used to collect data about the Earth from the sky and from the surface (Module 7)
  • Critically discuss the dynamic nature of our planet and its evolution (Module 8).
  • Outline and navigate the different types of basins produced in various tectonic scenarios and their basin-fill patterns (Module 9)
  • Describe the origins of igneous and metamorphic rocks (Module 10)
  • Outline the principles of physical hydrogeology (Module 11).
  • Critically discuss how different research methods can be applied to the field of geology (Module 12)
  • Outline and appraise the different rock and soil models commonly used in geotechnical assessment (Module 13)
  • Analyse the impact of life on the oceans, atmosphere, and climate of Earth (Module 14)
  • List and review the different approaches to the application of sequence stratigraphy to carbonate sediments (Module 15)

Students will meet one of the following Knowledge learning outcomes:

  • Analyse the geological factors affecting the planning process in Malta and other countries (Module 16) OR
  • Highlight and evaluate the key issues of the gas and petroleum industry and the mining and quarrying industry (Module 17)

For Skills:

The learner will be able to:

  • Apply appropriate knowledge of basic principles and doctrines in geology (Module 1)
  • Assess and classify sediments (Module 2)
  • Apply adequate knowledge regarding the classification, genesis, and exploitation of major ore deposits (Module 3)
  • Develop field and laboratory skills in relation to geology (Module 4)
  • Apply the required tools and techniques of structural geology (Module 5)
  • Transfer lecture-based knowledge to the surrounding physical environment and describe the geomorphologic processes (Module 6)
  • Evaluate seismic events and analyse seismic data (Module 7). · Make use of geophysical methods in the field (Module 7)
  • Acquire field-based skills for making geological observations (Module 8)
  • Apply the concepts learned from basin analysis to the evolution of the Mediterranean basins (Module 9)
  • Rigorously apply knowledge of geochemical processes and their role in shaping the Earth (Module 10)
  • Demonstrate the application of the principles of physical hydrogeology to groundwater resources management (Module 11)
  • Criticise existing literature pertaining to field of research and formulate appropriate research questions (Module 12)
  • Critically appraise geological laboratory reports and geotechnical reports (Module 13)
  • Prepare rock mass assessment (RQD, etc.) (Module 13)
  • Carry out palaeontolgical surveys and extraction of fossils (Module 14)
  • Conduct field logging of carbonate sediments (Module 15)

Students will meet one of the following Skills learning outcomes:

  • Prepare an EIA report concerning geological assessment (Module 16) OR
  • Write up reports on mineral resources assessment (Module 17).
  • Produce a bachelor’s dissertation on a specific geology topic showcasing appropriate research skills acquired throughout the programme.
  • Follow health and safety regulations when conducting fieldwork tasks.
  • Conduct proper risk assessment prior to conducting fieldwork.
  • Demonstrate good writing skills when in lab reports (Communication skills)
  • Communicate ideas, problems, solutions, work, and findings effectively, verbally or in writing, to peers, lecturers, and specialist and non-specialist audiences (Communication skills)
  • Make use of digital logging software (Digital skills)
  • Navigate through the online learning platform to find assignments, discussion boards, literature, tutorials etc. (Digital skills)


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See what students have to say about our courses

Miriam Mifsud

After a long break from studying, I decided to leave my comfort zone and embark upon a new adventure. But I must say that as soon as the lectures started, I felt at home, and help was forthcoming both from the students – whom I now call my friends – as well as from my lecturers. I am proud to have made the right decision for both my personal goals and for my career.

This course served as a growth plan to new projects and to whatever the future has in store for me. Life is all about growing, and this course led me to new opportunities and to continue growing and learning new skills that I can employ in both my personal life and at the workplace.

Miriam Mifsud

Higher Diploma in HR Management

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